Advanced usage


By default, the SDK uses the filesystem to cache both resources and access tokens. To use another type of caching, any cache instance implementing Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface can be used. This instance should be supplied at construction of MyParcelComApi and ClientCredentials.

$redis = new RedisCache();
$api = new \MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\MyParcelComApi(

$authenticator = new \MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Authentication\ClientCredentials(

Configuring a different http client

By default, the SDK will try to use any of the installed Http clients, given that the client is an implementation of php-http/httplug. To use a different HTTP client, either inject it through the constructor method, or use the setHttpClient() method.

// Create a Curl client.
$client = new Http\Client\Curl\Client();

// Add the client to the authenticator and api.

// Or inject it through the constructor
$api = new MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\MyParcelComApi(
$authenticator = new MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Authentication\ClientCredentials(

The example above uses the php-http/curl-client package, which is an implementation of the php-http/httplug package.

Custom resource classes

The SDK uses the MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Resources\ResourceFactory to instantiate and hydrate all resource objects. If you want the SDK to instantiate your own classes and hydrate them, a ResourceFactory can be created and factory callables can be added to it to define how to instantiate a resource. Note that when using your custom classes, they should still implement the corresponding resource’s interface.

use MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Resources\Interfaces\ShipmentInterface;
use MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Resources\Interfaces\ResourceInterface;
use MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Resources\ResourceFactory;

class CustomShipment implements ShipmentInterface
    // Your shipment implementation.

$customShipmentInitializer = function ($type, $attributes) {
    $shipment = new CustomShipment();

    // Your shipment initialization.

    return $shipment;

$factory = new ResourceFactory();
$factory->setFactoryForType(ResourceInterface::TYPE_SHIPMENT, $customShipmentInitializer);
$factory->setFactoryForType(ShipmentInterface::class, $customShipmentInitializer);
