Advanced usage ============== Caching ------- By default, the SDK uses the filesystem to cache both resources and access tokens. To use another type of caching, any cache instance implementing ``Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface`` can be used. This instance should be supplied at construction of ``MyParcelComApi`` and ``ClientCredentials``. .. code-block:: php $redis = new RedisCache(); $api = new \MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\MyParcelComApi( '', null, $redis ); $authenticator = new \MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Authentication\ClientCredentials( 'your-client-id', 'your-client-secret', '', $redis ); Configuring a different http client ----------------------------------- By default, the SDK will try to use any of the installed Http clients, given that the client is an `implementation of php-http/httplug `_. To use a different HTTP client, either inject it through the constructor method, or use the ``setHttpClient()`` method. .. code-block:: php // Create a Curl client. $client = new Http\Client\Curl\Client(); // Add the client to the authenticator and api. $authenticator->setHttpClient($client); $api->setHttpClient($client); // Or inject it through the constructor $api = new MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\MyParcelComApi( '', $client ); $authenticator = new MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Authentication\ClientCredentials( 'your-client-id', 'your-client-secret', '', null, $client ); The example above uses the ``php-http/curl-client`` package, which is an implementation of the ``php-http/httplug`` package. Custom resource classes ----------------------- The SDK uses the ``MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Resources\ResourceFactory`` to instantiate and hydrate all resource objects. If you want the SDK to instantiate your own classes and hydrate them, a ``ResourceFactory`` can be created and factory callables can be added to it to define how to instantiate a resource. Note that when using your custom classes, they should still implement the corresponding resource's interface. .. code-block:: php use MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Resources\Interfaces\ShipmentInterface; use MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Resources\Interfaces\ResourceInterface; use MyParcelCom\ApiSdk\Resources\ResourceFactory; class CustomShipment implements ShipmentInterface { // Your shipment implementation. } $customShipmentInitializer = function ($type, $attributes) { $shipment = new CustomShipment(); // Your shipment initialization. return $shipment; }; $factory = new ResourceFactory(); $factory->setFactoryForType(ResourceInterface::TYPE_SHIPMENT, $customShipmentInitializer); $factory->setFactoryForType(ShipmentInterface::class, $customShipmentInitializer); $api->setResourceFactory($factory);