Create a webhook

To create a webhook in our API you can use the hook resource.

With this hook resource you can describe an action on which a hook needs to trigger. For more information about the possibilities with these triggers read the hook trigger page or go to the using hooks page to get a guide on how to use the hooks in general. Furthermore, when you create a hook and choose the send-resource action type, you can choose a url where the data of the affected resource will be sent to.


In this example our API will send the resource data of the newly created shipment statuses (including the shipment details) with a POST request to your provided url.

  "data": {
    "type": "hooks",
    "attributes": {
        "name": "New shipment status update",
        "order": 100,
        "active": true,
        "trigger": {
          "resource_type": "shipment-statuses",
          "resource_action": "create"
        "action": {
          "action_type": "send-resource",
          "values": [
              "url": "https://your.api.url",
              "includes": [
    "relationships": {
      "owner": {
        "data": {
          "type": "shops",
          "id": "1bb3e441-8a70-4be8-b910-1315460859f2"


For more information about the hook actions, see the resource page on send-resource action. This page contains information on how to handle webhook retries, and using hashed secrets for more secure requests.