Update shipment status ====================== The ``POST /update-shipment-status`` endpoint allows you to trigger an update of a shipment's status. The shipment will be synchronized with the carrier. .. seealso:: https://api-specification.myparcel.com/#tag/RPC/paths/~1update-shipment-status/post Sandbox environment ___________________ Since our sandbox environment does not provide real shipments, they will never receive a status update from the carrier. To simulate a status update, you can provide a ``status_id`` in sandbox requests. This way you can simulate realistic shipment behavior and trigger webhooks to test your implementation. .. warning:: The MyParcel.com API contains several :doc:`status ` resources that are not related to shipments. When calling the /update-shipment-status endpoint, please make sure the posted status is a shipment related status (indicated by the ``resource_type`` attribute). Request ------- **Required Scope:** ``shipments.manage`` =============== ===================================================================== ======== Attribute Type Required =============== ===================================================================== ======== ``shipment_id`` uuid formatted string ✓ ``status_id`` uuid formatted string (only available on the **sandbox** environment) =============== ===================================================================== ======== Using this endpoint will result in a new :doc:`shipment-status ` added to the posted :doc:`shipment `, if the new status is different from the current status. .. code-block:: http POST /update-shipment-status HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Example: https://api.sandbox.myparcel.com/update-shipment-status { "data": { "shipment_id": "3bba2b2e-453f-4e89-bff9-018e06efa5a6", "status_id": "8b384f97-5161-47fb-91c9-4731e4d10ab1" } } Response -------- The API will respond with status ``204 No Content``, indicating that no content is returned, but the update has taken place.