Services ======== .. toctree:: :hidden: services/address-rules services/transit-time Services are provided by :doc:`carriers ` and can be used to send :doc:`shipments `. Services are offered from a specific region to a specific region. .. seealso:: Attributes ---------- ====================== ========================================================================================================== =========== Attribute Type Description ====================== ========================================================================================================== =========== name string Service name (eg. Next day), useful for displaying to users. code string Service code (eg. carrier-parcel-next-day), often composed of the carrier name and the service name, lower cased. package_type string enum: ``parcel`` ``letterbox`` ``letter`` ``unstamped`` Type of package (eg. letter). handover_method string enum: ``collection`` ``drop-off`` Available methods to hand the shipment to the carrier. Value ``collection`` means the carrier will pick up the shipment at the shipment's sender address while drop-off means the sender has to drop the shipment at a pickup-dropoff-location. delivery_method string enum: ``pick-up`` ``delivery`` Delivery method for the carrier. Services with value ``pick-up`` means the carrier delivers the shipment at a pickup-dropoff-location while ``delivery`` means they deliver at the shipment's recipient address). uses_volumetric_weight boolean Whether the carrier also takes the shipment's :doc:`volumetric weight ` into account when determining the price of a shipment with the chosen service. delivery_days array of string enum: ``Monday`` ``Tuesday`` ``Wednesday`` ``Thursday`` ``Friday`` ``Saturday`` ``Sunday`` Textual representation of days of the week this service delivers shipments. transit_time :doc:`transit time ` The minimum and maximum time it takes to deliver the shipment. regions_from array of :doc:`address rules ` Address rules for where this service can ship from. regions_to array of :doc:`address rules ` Address rules for where this service can ship to. ====================== ========================================================================================================== =========== ============ ========================================= =========== Relationship Type Description ============ ========================================= =========== carrier :doc:`carriers ` Carrier offering the service. ============ ========================================= =========== Endpoints --------- .. raw:: html
GET /services Retrieving a list of services. **Scope** No scopes are required to retrieve services. **Request parameters** For more specific requests, the following parameters can be included as query parameters. ================================== ======= =========== Parameter Type Description ================================== ======= =========== filter[package_type] string Comma separated string of package types to filter the services on (eg. ``letterbox``). filter[carrier] string Comma separated string of ids of carrier to filter the services on filter[address_from][country_code] string Retrieve services for which the given `2-letter ISO country code `_ corresponds to the origin region of the service. filter[address_from][state_code] string Retrieve services for which the given `1 to 3 letter ISO subdivision code `_ corresponds to the origin region of the service. filter[address_from][postal_code] string Retrieve services for which the given postal code corresponds to the origin region of the service (may result in multiple services if postal code exists in different regions). filter[address_to][country_code] string Retrieve services for which the given `2-letter ISO country code `_ corresponds to the destination region of the service. filter[address_to][state_code] string Retrieve services for which the given `1 to 3 letter ISO subdivision code `_ corresponds to the destination region of the service. filter[address_to][postal_code] string Retrieve services for which the given postal code corresponds to the destination region of the service (may result in multiple services if postal code exists in different regions). filter[has_active_contract] boolean A ``true`` value will filter services that have **active** :doc:`contract ` associations. ``false`` will result in services that do **not** have active contract associations. To retrieve **all** services regardless of contract, omit this filter. filter[delivery_method] string Using filter value ``pick-up`` will result in services that deliver to a :doc:`pickup-dropoff-location `. Using ``delivery`` filters services for which the carrier delivers the shipment to the ``recipient_address``. filter[code] string Retrieve services for which the given filter 'code' corresponds to the code of the service. ================================== ======= =========== **Request** .. code-block:: http GET /services HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/vnd.api+json Example: **Response** .. code-block:: json { "data": [ { "type": "services", "id": "175a235f-aff5-4e44-87b5-3657b75c1deb", "attributes": { "name": "Next day", "code": "carrier-parcel-next-day", "package_type": "parcel", "delivery_days": [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday" ], "transit_time": { "min": 1, "max": 1 }, "handover_method": "drop-off", "delivery_method": "pick-up", "uses_volumetric_weight": true, "regions_from": [ { "country_code": "GB" } ], "regions_to": [ { "country_code": "GB" } ] }, "relationships": { "carrier": { "data": { "type": "carriers", "id": "be7f6752-34e0-49a1-a832-bcc209450ea9" }, "links": { "related": "" } }, "region_from": { "data": { "type": "regions", "id": "0b6ecd39-6072-4529-a031-f21247a91296" }, "links": { "related": "" } }, "region_to": { "data": { "type": "regions", "id": "0b6ecd39-6072-4529-a031-f21247a91296" }, "links": { "related": "" } } }, "links": { "self": "" } } ], "meta": { "total_pages": 1, "total_records": 1 }, "links": { "self": "[number]=1&page[size]=30", "first": "[number]=1&page[size]=30", "last": "[number]=1&page[size]=30" } } .. raw:: html
GET /services/{service_id} Retrieve a specific service. **Scope** No scopes are required to retrieve services. **Request** .. code-block:: http GET /services/{service_id} HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/vnd.api+json Example: **Response** .. code-block:: json { "data": { "type": "services", "id": "175a235f-aff5-4e44-87b5-3657b75c1deb", "attributes": { "name": "Next day", "code": "carrier-parcel-next-day", "package_type": "parcel", "delivery_days": [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday" ], "transit_time": { "min": 1, "max": 1 }, "handover_method": "drop-off", "delivery_method": "pick-up", "uses_volumetric_weight": true, "regions_from": [ { "country_code": "GB" } ], "regions_to": [ { "country_code": "GB" } ] }, "relationships": { "carrier": { "data": { "type": "carriers", "id": "be7f6752-34e0-49a1-a832-bcc209450ea9" }, "links": { "related": "" } }, "region_from": { "data": { "type": "regions", "id": "0b6ecd39-6072-4529-a031-f21247a91296" }, "links": { "related": "" } }, "region_to": { "data": { "type": "regions", "id": "0b6ecd39-6072-4529-a031-f21247a91296" }, "links": { "related": "" } } }, "links": { "self": "" } } } .. raw:: html