Collection time slots ===================== When booking a collection with a carrier, some carriers offer an option to retrieve specific time slots. This is useful if you want to ensure that the carrier will come collect your shipments when you expect them to. .. seealso:: Collection time slots can be retrieved by using the following endpoint: .. code-block:: http GET /carriers/{carrier_id}/collection-time-slots HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/vnd.api+json Example: Request parameters ------------------ A few query parameters are available and mandatory in order to use this endpoint: ============== ================== ========== ================================================================================================== Parameter Type Required Description ============== ================== ========== ================================================================================================== country_code string ✓ ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of where to request collection times for. postal_code string ✓ Postal code of where to request collection times for. date_from string or number ✓ Date string in ISO 8601 format or unix timestamp of the day(s) to request time slots for. date_to string or number ✓ Date string in ISO 8601 format or unix timestamp of the day(s) to request time slots for. service_code string Service codes of services to request collection times for. If not provided, all services are used. ============== ================== ========== ================================================================================================== Response -------- This endpoint will return a set of :doc:`time slots ` objects for the given parameters, if available. .. code-block:: json { "data": [ { "type": "collection-time-slots", "id": "be7f6752-34e0-49a1-a832-bcc209450ea9_1648110600_1648112399", "attributes": { "from": 1648110600, "to": 1648112399 }, "relationships": { "carrier": { "data": { "type": "carriers", "id": "be7f6752-34e0-49a1-a832-bcc209450ea9" }, "links": { "related": "" } } } }, { "type": "collection-time-slots", "id": "be7f6752-34e0-49a1-a832-bcc209450ea9_1648112400_1648114200", "attributes": { "from": 1648112400, "to": 1648114200 }, "relationships": { "carrier": { "data": { "type": "carriers", "id": "be7f6752-34e0-49a1-a832-bcc209450ea9" }, "links": { "related": "" } } } } ], "meta": { "total_pages": 13, "total_records": 373 }, "links": { "self": "[number]=3&page[size]=30", "first": "[number]=1&page[size]=30", "prev": "[number]=2&page[size]=30", "next": "[number]=4&page[size]=30", "last": "[number]=13&page[size]=30" } }